The Overall Experience
We believe most people find going to the doctor a hassle and a hardship, in both time and money. We strive to make coming to our clinic convenient, cost-effective, efficient, and something to look forward to. We have everything we need in our office to diagnose and treat most ENT issues, and our goal is to help patients feel better, both physically and emotionally, before they leave our office.
We believe that antibiotics are over-used, resulting in widespread antibiotic resistance. We aim to provide other ways to relieve our patients’ sinus issues, such as sinus therapy, allergy immunotherapy, and infrared sauna. When antibiotics are indicated, we will obtain a culture and use the most appropriate antibiotic based on the results, rather than guessing which antibiotic might work.
Sinus Therapy
We believe that sinus therapy is an important adjunct to medicine and surgery in treating sinus disease. Sinus therapy is modeled after the respiratory therapy patients with cystic fibrosis receive and involves steam, percussion, irrigation, massage and suction. We are the only ENT clinic in the country to provide this service.