Updated COVID Early Treatment Protocol and Practice Updates

Covid is back, and unfortunately we are still seeing severe cases in patients who have not received early treatment, regardless of their vaccination status. In the last 5 weeks, 68% of the patients who have received monoclonal antibodies at BreatheMD were vaccinated. Early treatment is the most effective way to fight COVID, and Dr. Bowden has kept over 2300 patients out of the hospital with this approach.

The Omicron variant has behaved differently than Delta. Cases are in general less severe and less likely to be associated with loss of smell and taste. Sore throat is more common. None-the-less, we have still seen very sick patients.

The most recent COVID strain, BA.2.12.1 - a sub variant of Omicron - is spreading quickly but responds well to early treatment. BreatheMD currently has an ample supply of monoclonal antibodies. Bebtelovimab by Eli Lilly is the most recent version with EUA approval, and people are noticing a fast response. If you have received Bebtolvimab, please complete this brief survey to let us know how it worked.

During the height of Omicron, BreatheMD had no access to monoclonal antibodies, and we confirmed that early treatment protocols designed by FLCCC work well. For patients with acute illness from COVID, Dr. Bowden prescribes hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin the first week of illness, then adds oral steroids, azithromycin and steroid breathing treatments the second week if necessary. In addition, she recommends Pepcid 20mg twice a day, Melatonin 10mg before bed, Vitamin C 2000mg twice a day, Quercetin 250mg a day, Zinc 100mg a day, Vitamin D 5000IU a day (add magnesium and K2 to improve absorption of Vitamin D). Frequent irrigation of the nose and throat with saline + betadine as described on the FLCCC website has been shown to decrease viral load. Patients should monitor their oxygen level with a pulse oximeter and purchase a nebulizer machine to have on hand in case they need breathing treatments.

For patients who have come in the second or third week of illness in respiratory distress, she administers IV solumedrol, azithromycin, Pepcid, zinc, high-dose Vitamin C, and glutathione, in addition to budesonide nebulizer treatments. Using this approach, Dr. Bowden has kept over two dozen patients out of the hospital who have walked in to the clinic with oxygen levels in the 70s-80s.

In other news, BreatheMD is growing. We will have a new full-time ENT joining the practice on August 15th and are bringing on a Patient Advocate to help families navigate the hospital experience. Dr Bowden is also starting a micro-hospital with Dr. Joe Varon where patients can get treated for acute respiratory illnesses without fear.

Dr Bowden is seeing a large number of patients with vaccine injuries and long-haul COVID. Most patients are responding well to ivermectin but other medications are available if not.

Finally, to help those who are burdened by mandatory testing, BreatheMD is discounting our PCR saliva test by 20%. Use code “MANDATE” when scheduling to receive the discount.

Thank you for all your support. We are facing a type of adversary never seen in history, and we encourage everyone to speak up and fight back.

How We Keep You Out of the Hospital

Our goal at BreatheMD is to do everything possible to keep people with COVID19 from going to the hospital. From the beginning, we have provided curbside breathing treatments and IV fluids and more recently, monoclonal antibodies.

We have now expanded our services to include treatments that are normally only done in hospitals: IV steroids (Solumedrol), IV vitamin C , IV Tylenol, IV famotidine (Pepcid), IV antibiotics, and oxygen. Dr. Bowden follows the FLCCC protocol and believes in aggressive treatment with safe medications such as ivermectin to help patients with COVID19.

For patients out of the danger zone, Dr. Bowden prescribes medications based on the FLCCC protocol and advises patients on nutritional supplements and other modalities to recover more quickly. She has both in-person and telemedicine appointments available for patients with COVID19 needing support.

Recommended over-the-counter supplements (updated):

Vitamin C 1000mg, twice a day (we offer injectable Vitamin C in our office)

Vitamin D 5000U + Magnesium + Zinc. It is important to take magnesium when you are taking Vitamin D as large doses of Vitamin D can deplete your body’s magnesium supply. We recommend this supplement: Magwell. The dose on the bottle is for 2 capsules a day - we recommend 3 - 4 capsules a day. The side effect to look for is diarrhea - lower your dose if this occurs.

Quercetin 250mg, twice a day

Zinc 50mg, once a day (take this in addition to Magwell)

Lactoferrin 100mg, once a day

Manuka Honey

Curcumin 500mg, twice a day

Black Seed oil (Nigella Sativa) 80mg/kg, twice a day

Melatonin 10mg before bed


Follow a low-sugar diet. Viruses and bacteria feed off sugar - this is why diabetics are more prone to infection.

Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water a day. If you are dehydrated, you are more prone to fever and it becomes a viscous cycle. Come get IV Fluids and IV Tylenol at our office if you can’t get enough fluids at home.

Drink hot tea, chicken noodle soup. Warm salty fluids decrease swelling in your upper airway and improve circulation.


If you lay in bed, your lungs collapse. Rest, but don’t lay in bed. Get up at least once an hour. Take walks outside if possible. Buy an incentive spirometer (Amazon sells them) and use it every hour while awake (this device is a cheap and effective way to expand your lungs.)


Gargle with a solution of Betadine and water three times a day. Add 2 tablespoons of 10% iodine/poviodine (Betadine) to a cup of water. Gargle but don’t swallow. Betadine is available in the first aid section of the drugstore.

Rinse your nose with saline + 1/4 teaspoon betadine three times a day.

Infrared Sauna:

If you are fever-free and not dehydrated, spend time in our infrared sauna at least 3 times a week. Infrared sauna has been proven to lower inflammation and increase circulation.

Respiratory Care:

Place a heating pad on your chest to increase circulation to the lungs.

Use a nebulizer or a humidifier to inhale salt water. Mix the water in a Neil-Med sinus rinse bottle using 2 packets of saline instead of 1 and add to your nebulizer or humidifier.

Take Mucinex with plenty of water to thin your mucous.

Spend time in our salt cave. We offer 1-week packages for patients with respiratory illnesses. The salt particles in the air absorb irritants and decrease airway inflammation. We also have therapists from BreatheFit lead private respiratory therapy sessions every Wednesday in our salt cave.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about how we can help you fight COVID19, please go to COVID Treatment and Recovery on our website.